Our blog
At Santa Maria we treat not the symptoms but the root cause of the disease
Can You Trust Self-Reporting in Food-related Questionnaires?
Food consumption and dieting are among the most sensitive health-related topics. With three-quarters of the U.S. population being overweight and strong societal emotions surrounding calorie intake, studies on diet and nutrition are taken very seriously.
Demystifying Healthy Eating: Busting Common Myths
The concept of healthy eating has gained substantial traction in contemporary society, enveloped by numerous misconceptions and myths.
“Long covid” predisposition
So far, over 7M people have died from the Covid pandemic, a huge tragedy. However, the real crisis is that staggering 30-70% of survivors suffer from long-term symptoms for months after the acute disease.
What is IV therapy?
Recently, intravenous injections of supplements became a popular therapy modality in preventive health. The so-called IV drips are applied as stand-alone procedures and as part of multi-procedures health plans.
EM Slim: a powerful and safe method for quick muscle growth
According to the latest statistics, 70% of the US population is overweight, and 36% are obese. The American Medical Association (AMA) officially recognized obesity as a chronic disease in 2013.
Healthy Lifestyle
What is it and what are its main principles? A healthy lifestyle is understood as performing various actions aimed at improving health and raising immunity, thanks to which we can live a full, happy and active social life.
Spooky 2 Rife machine: an electromagnetic system with unique healing properties
Without knowing it, almost all of us carry pathogens. These are primarily microorganisms residing in the gut, the blood, and other body systems.