
Ціни a la carte від Клініки Santa Maria

Клініка інтегративної медицини та оздоровчий центр, що пропонує понад 80 унікальних медичних послуг. В Клініці Санта Марія постійно ведуться наукові дослідження з метою удосконалення існуючих терапевтичних методик, розробки інноваційних підходів до омолодження організму та дослідження нових напрямків в медицині.

Ви можете переглянути наші ціни нижче або завантажити їх тут.



Alpha fetoprotein 40 No Discount Icon
CA 125 (Ovary). 40 No Discount Icon
CA 15.3 (Breast). 40 No Discount Icon
CA 19.9 (Pancreas and colon). 40 No Discount Icon
CA 27.29 (adjuvant breast) 88 No Discount Icon
CA 72.4. 56 No Discount Icon
CEA. 36 No Discount Icon
CYFRA 21.1 (lung) 80 No Discount Icon
Breast. 147 No Discount Icon
Gallbladder 139 No Discount Icon
Gastric polyp. 106 No Discount Icon
Others (6cm-15cm). 155 No Discount Icon
Others (less than 5cm x 5cm) 122 No Discount Icon
Prostate (Complete) 204 No Discount Icon
Prostate (pieces of rice) 139 No Discount Icon
Wart. 114 No Discount Icon
Womb 147 No Discount Icon
Album. Glo. 6 No Discount Icon
Amylase 17 No Discount Icon
Basic Analyses (Blood Chemistry, Hematic Biometrics, ESR, Ferritin, General Urine) 100 No Discount Icon
Bilirubin (tot.,direct.,ind.,) 13 No Discount Icon
Blood Chemistry 24 31 No Discount Icon
Blood Chemistry 30 35 No Discount Icon
C.P.K. 21 No Discount Icon
CPKMB. 33 No Discount Icon
Col., Trig., each. 6 No Discount Icon
Electrolytes (Na, Cl, K).. 15 No Discount Icon
Glucose 6 No Discount Icon
Iron 9 No Discount Icon
Lipase 17 No Discount Icon
Lipid profile. 17 No Discount Icon
Phosphorus/Calcium/Magnesium 9 No Discount Icon
Total proteins 6 No Discount Icon
Transaminases (tgo,tgp). 13 No Discount Icon
Ultrasensitive PCR 25 No Discount Icon
Urea, Creatinine, A.Urico(c/u). 6 No Discount Icon
Bleeding Time. 6 No Discount Icon
Coagulation factor V 41 No Discount Icon
Coagulation factors (C/U) 32 No Discount Icon
Coagulation time. 6 No Discount Icon
D-dimer 45 No Discount Icon
Fibrinogen 18 No Discount Icon
Partial thromboplastin time 8 No Discount Icon
Prothrombin time 8 No Discount Icon
Thrombin time 15 No Discount Icon
Anemia profile 112 No Discount Icon
Blood count + Blood chemistry 60 No Discount Icon
Blood type 8 No Discount Icon
Coombs Direct 16 No Discount Icon
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) 5 No Discount Icon
Ferritin 27 No Discount Icon
Hematic Biometrics 15 No Discount Icon
Indirect Coombs 16 No Discount Icon
Iron uptake 23 No Discount Icon
Lead 53 No Discount Icon
Platelets 8 No Discount Icon
Reticulocytes 9 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti thyroid peroxidase. 37 No Discount Icon
Ac. Antithyroglobulin 37 No Discount Icon
Adrenocorticotropic ACTH 45 No Discount Icon
Androstenedione. 22 No Discount Icon
Antidiuretic (Vasopressin) 70 No Discount Icon
Complete thyroid profile 72 No Discount Icon
Cortisol 29 No Discount Icon
DHEA-S. 29 No Discount Icon
DHEA. 29 No Discount Icon
Dihydrotestosterone 70 No Discount Icon
Estradiol. 23 No Discount Icon
F.S.H 23 No Discount Icon
Free PSA 27 No Discount Icon
Free T3 21 No Discount Icon
Free Testosterone. 33 No Discount Icon
Growth hormone. 29 No Discount Icon
Gynecological Profile. 102 No Discount Icon
HCG quantification 37 No Discount Icon
Homocysteine. 57 No Discount Icon
Insulin 22 No Discount Icon
Insulin resistance 29 No Discount Icon
L.H 23 No Discount Icon
Mullerian hormone. 122 No Discount Icon
Peptide C . 29 No Discount Icon
Progesterone 23 No Discount Icon
Prolactin. 25 No Discount Icon
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin. 39 No Discount Icon
Somatomedin 41 No Discount Icon
TSH, T3, T4, FT4 (EACH) 23 No Discount Icon
Thyroglobulin 31 No Discount Icon
Thyroid parathyroid hormonea PTH 55 No Discount Icon
Total Estrogens. 26 No Discount Icon
Total PSA 23 No Discount Icon
Total Testosterone. 25 No Discount Icon
Anemia profile (Iron, folic acid, ferritin, unsaturated binding capacity iron, transferrin, vitamin B12, Sat. transferrin, TIBC) 79 No Discount Icon
Basic Profile (BHC, QS-30, EGO) 50 No Discount Icon
Basic Thyroid Profile (TSH, Free T4) 32 No Discount Icon
Cardiac Profile (QS30, CRP-US, CK, CPK-MB) 67 No Discount Icon
Complete thyroid profile. (TSH, T3, T4, Free T4) 57 No Discount Icon
Diabetic Profile II (Gluc, Hb.A1C, .EGO, Insulin/Peptide C) 46 No Discount Icon
Diabetic Profile l (Gluc, Hb.A1c, EGO) 30 No Discount Icon
Express profile (BHC, QS1, EGO). 30 No Discount Icon
Food Allergy Profile (29 foods + IgE) 313 No Discount Icon
General Profile I .(BHC, QS30, PCR, CK, VSG) 57 No Discount Icon
General Profile II (BHC, QS30, .ESR, EGO, RX.FEB, CEA, HRT) 81 No Discount Icon
Gynecological Profile.(FSH, LH, Prolac, Proges, Estradiol) Liver Profile Hepatitis Profile (A, B and C) 79 No Discount Icon
Infant Profile I (BHC, TRH, QS24, ESR, CRP) 49 No Discount Icon
Infant Profile II (BHC, ESR, CRP, Growth Hormone) 46 No Discount Icon
Male Hormonal Profile I. (FSH, LH, PRL, Test, Total and Free) 79 No Discount Icon
Male Hormonal Profile II (Profile I + Cortisol, Insulin, Estradiol) 141 No Discount Icon
Male Hormonal Profile III Profile I + Dihydrotestosterone, DHEA, Androstenedione) 180 No Discount Icon
Obesity Profile (Gluc, Lipids, Col.HDL, Insulin, Insulin resistance) 37 No Discount Icon
Pediatric Food Allergy Profile (13 foods + Milk + Beta lactoglobulin) 203 No Discount Icon
Prenatal Profile II (Profile l + Rubella IgG). 83 No Discount Icon
Prenatal Profile l (BHC, EGO, TRH, HIV, VDRL, Gluc) 55 No Discount Icon
Preoperative Profile l (BHC, TP, TPT) 23 No Discount Icon
Preoperative Profile ll (BHC, Gluc, HIV, HRT, PT, PTT) 46 No Discount Icon
Rheumatic Profile(ESR,FR,ASO,PCR,AU) 32 No Discount Icon
STD 1 profile (HIV, VDRL, Hep. C) 37 No Discount Icon
STD 2 profile (HIV, VDRL, Hep.C .Herpes II-IgM and Chlamydia IgM) 92 No Discount Icon
STD Profile 3 (Profile 2 + Cult. Gonorrhea) 114 No Discount Icon
STD Profile 4 (Profile 3 + HPV). 228 No Discount Icon
Thyroid Profile III (Thyroglobulin, . Ac. Anti thyroglobulin, Ac. Anti Peroxidase) 70 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide IgG 78 No Discount Icon
Antistreptolysins. 15 No Discount Icon
C Reactive Protein 15 No Discount Icon
Rheumatic profile 41 No Discount Icon
Rheumatoid Factor. 15 No Discount Icon
Sex. Transmitted Diseases (STD) Price – USD
Ac. Anti Chlamydia IgG/IgM 64 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Herpes I IgG/IgM 57 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Herpes II IgG 32 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Herpes II IgG/IgM 57 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Herpes II IgM 32 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Herpes IgG. 32 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Herpes l lgM 32 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Treponema pallidum (FTA-ABS). 32 No Discount Icon
Ac. Chlamydia IgG. 38 No Discount Icon
Ac. Chlamydia IgM. 38 No Discount Icon
Gonorrhea culture 29 No Discount Icon
HIV 14 No Discount Icon
Hepatitis C”. 16 No Discount Icon
Human papillomavirus (HPV) 117 No Discount Icon
STD Profile 1 (VIH, VDRL, Hep. C) 37 No Discount Icon
STD Profile 2 (VIH, VDRL, Hep.C Herpes II-IgM and Chlamydia IgM) 92 No Discount Icon
STD Profile 3 (Profile 2 + Culture. Gonorrhea) 114 No Discount Icon
STD Profile 4 (Profile 3 + VPH). 228 No Discount Icon
Shiller test 15 No Discount Icon
VDRL. 13 No Discount Icon
Ag. Helicobacter pylori 29 No Discount Icon
Az. Red. -L.M.F.-c/u 6 No Discount Icon
Coproculture 29 No Discount Icon
Coprological 21 No Discount Icon
Coproparasitoscopic x1. 7 No Discount Icon
Fresh amoeba 6 No Discount Icon
SOH 7 No Discount Icon
Serial Copro x3 15 No Discount Icon
Creatinine clearance 19 No Discount Icon
Drug panel (5 parameters) 17 No Discount Icon
Electrolytes in urine 15 No Discount Icon
General Urine. 15 No Discount Icon
Microalbuminuria. 19 No Discount Icon
Proteins in 24 hr urine 17 No Discount Icon
Urine Culture 29 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Coccidioides immitis IgG/IgM. 89 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti DNA-Double Strand 35 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Helicobacter pylori IgG. 24 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Helicobacter pylori IgG/IgM 41 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Helicobacter pylori IgM. 24 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Mycobacterium IgG and IgM. 69 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Mycobacterium IgG. 35 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Mycobacterium IgM. 35 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Nuclear (ANA) 31 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Rubella IgG and IgM 48 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Rubella IgG. 28 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Rubella IgM 28 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti SSA (Ro) 29 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Smith (Sm). 29 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Trypanosoma Cruzii IgG 35 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti Trypanosoma Cruzii IgM 114 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti cytomegalovirus IgG/IgM. 51 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti-Borrellia Burgdorferi IgG-IgG 65 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti-HTLV 1/2 67 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti-Rickettsia IgG 99 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti-Rickettsia IgG/IgM. 116 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti-Rickettsia IgM 60 No Discount Icon
Ac. Anti-SSB (La) 29 No Discount Icon
Ac. Tuberculosis IgG. 44 No Discount Icon
Adrenal Profile 158 No Discount Icon
Ag.HLA-B27. 62 No Discount Icon
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 76 No Discount Icon
Arterial Gasometry 64 No Discount Icon
Bacilloscopy each 6 No Discount Icon
Bacilloscopy x 3 19 No Discount Icon
Bacterial Culture 28 No Discount Icon
Blood culture. 32 No Discount Icon
Chemistry 1 (Gluc, BUN, Creat) 10 No Discount Icon
Chemistry 2 (Gluc, Col, Trig) 13 No Discount Icon
Chemistry 5 (Gluc, BUN, Creat, Col, Trig) 15 No Discount Icon
Chemistry 6 (Glu,BUN,Cr,Col,Trig,AcU) 16 No Discount Icon
Clostridium dif. Toxin A and B 81 No Discount Icon
Crystallization 13 No Discount Icon
Cytomegalovirus IgG 30 No Discount Icon
Eosinophils in Nasal Mucus. 6 No Discount Icon
Epstein-Barr (EBV) 30 No Discount Icon
Febrile reactions 11 No Discount Icon
Food Health Card 14 No Discount Icon
Glucose Tolerance Curve 18 No Discount Icon
Glucose sieve (50g) 1 hour 13 No Discount Icon
Glycosylated hemoglobin 16 No Discount Icon
Gonorrhea culture 29 No Discount Icon
HOMA Index 23 No Discount Icon
Health Card (BAR) 19 No Discount Icon
Hepatitis A,B,C, each 16 No Discount Icon
Immunoglobulin A 16 No Discount Icon
Immunoglobulin D 38 No Discount Icon
Immunoglobulin E 16 No Discount Icon
Immunoglobulin G 16 No Discount Icon
Immunoglobulin M 16 No Discount Icon
Immunoglobulin profile (A,E,G,M) 54 No Discount Icon
L.E cells 7 No Discount Icon
LEGAL paternity test 822 No Discount Icon
LRC cytochemical 26 No Discount Icon
Liver Function Test 19 No Discount Icon
Lyme disease (CRP) 127 No Discount Icon
Metabolic Sieve. 127 No Discount Icon
Methamphetamines (BLOOD) 32 No Discount Icon
Mushroom culture 26 No Discount Icon
Mycobacterium TB (PCR) 89 No Discount Icon
PCR Detection Rickettsia 158 No Discount Icon
Pap smear 16 No Discount Icon
Pap smear (bring sample) 14 No Discount Icon
Paternity test 379 No Discount Icon
Pregnancy test 11 No Discount Icon
Prenuptial COUPLE 35 No Discount Icon
Prostatic Acid Phosphatase 18 No Discount Icon
Qualitative Drug Profile (Coca, THC, Meta) 73 No Discount Icon
Quantitative Drug Profile (Coca, THC, Meta) 102 No Discount Icon
Rotavirus 12 No Discount Icon
Serameba 15 No Discount Icon
Spermatobioscopy 23 No Discount Icon
Sun Genomics – Gut Microbiome 650 No Discount Icon
Total Acid Phosphatase. 13 No Discount Icon
HIV Viral load (PCR). 122 No Discount Icon
HIV Western Blot. 163 No Discount Icon
Hep. B PCR 122 No Discount Icon
Hep. B Viral load 155 No Discount Icon
Hep. C Genotype. 204 No Discount Icon
Hep. C Viral load 130 No Discount Icon
Hep. C Viral load and Genotype. 285 No Discount Icon
Folic Acid (Folate) 29 No Discount Icon
Mercury 73 No Discount Icon
Vitamin A (Retinol). 122 No Discount Icon
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin). 33 No Discount Icon
Vitamin B3. 179 No Discount Icon
Vitamin B6. 179 No Discount Icon
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid). 122 No Discount Icon
Vitamin D-25 Hydroxy. 65 No Discount Icon
Vitamin D1-25 Dihydroxy. 179 No Discount Icon
Vitamin E (Alpha). 98 No Discount Icon
Vitamin E (Beta). 98 No Discount Icon


Anti-parasites herbal formula
Body detox herbal mix
COVID recovery herbal formula
Cardio support herbal formulas
Fresh Ginger and Turmeric Shots
Full body detox
Healthy gut detox herbal formulas
Healthy joints herbal formulas
Hormonal balancing herbal formula
Immune balancing herbal formula
Kidney and urinary tract cleansing
Liver and kidney detox herbal formulas
Liver detox herbal mix
Lyme herbal formula
Maca root powder
Men power Goat weed extract
Men’s health herbal formulas
Mental health herbal formulas
Metabolic herbal formula
Vitamin A supplement
Vitamins D and K
Women’s health herbal formulas


Balneotherapy Price – USD
Bath With Salts 85
Bath With Turpentine 85
Foot Bath Detox 45
Mineral Ice Bath 85
Ocean-Fed Pools (1 hour) 25
Ozone Bath Detox 45
Steam Therapy in Wood Sauna (private group, per person) + Pool 70
Steam Therapy in Wood Sauna (professional private session) 120 No Discount Icon
Beauty and Cosmetic Procedures Price – USD
Cryolipolysis Weight Loss 1 zone 195
Cryolipolysis Weight Loss 1 zone (3) 530
Cryolipolysis Weight Loss 1 zone (5) 735
Cryolipolysis Weight Loss 2 zones 345
Cryolipolysis Weight Loss 2 zones (3) 930
Cryolipolysis Weight Loss 2 zones (5) 1295
Deep Cleansing Manual Facial 70
EM Slim 85
Face Peeling 70
Facial Radio-Frequency 40
Facial Vacuum Cavitation 70
High Intensity Elecromagnetic Body Sculpting (HIEM slim) 85
Hydrafacial 60
Intense Pulse Light (IPL) Skincare Machine 105
LASMIC Vacuum Anti-Cellulite Massage 75
Lypolaser 70
Microdermoabrasion 70
Moisturizing Biocellulose Face Masks 40
Multifunctional Photon Microcurrent Vacuum Cupping Machine 80
Ultrasonic Vacuum Cavitation 70
Ultrasound Sculpting Machine 105
Cell Therapy Price – USD
PRP & VSEL Stem Cells Therapy (face, neck and decolette) 750
PRP & VSEL Stem Cells Therapy (face, neck and decolette) (3 sessions) 2020
PRP & VSEL Stem Cells Therapy (face, neck and decolette) (5 sessions) 2805
PRP & VSEL Stem Cells Therapy Hair (full head) 285
PRP & VSEL Stem Cells Therapy Hair (full head) (3 sessions) 780
PRP & VSEL Stem Cells Therapy Hair (full head) (5 sessions) 1080
PRP & VSEL Stem Cells Therapy Vaginal 1035
Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) & VSEL Stem Cells Therapy, Face 400
Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) & VSEL Stem Cells Therapy, Face (3 sessions) 1090
Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) & VSEL Stem Cells Therapy, Face (5 sessions) 1510
Complementary therapies Price – USD
Breathing Exercises 20
Kickboxing private session 40
Oculus Quest Virtual Reality Therapy 30
Workout (private group) 25
Workout – Kickboxing (private group) 25
Workout Session: Taekwon-Do 45
ZUMBA Class (group session) 25
Consultations at premesis Price – USD
Dr. Olgas Consultation (Ultrasounds scanning of main organ systems+Gynecology consultation & ultrasound scanning) 290 No Discount Icon
Health Coach, Naturoterapist, Lyme Specialist (Mariya Kurilina) 290 No Discount Icon
Holistic Doctor (Dr. Larisa Petrenko, MD) 90 No Discount Icon
Human Geneticist & Microbiologist (Dr. Yuri Nikolsky, PHD) 170
Nutritionist Doctor & General Practitioner (Dr. Leysan Kabirova, MD) 170
Consultations on-line Price – USD
Cardiologist (Dr Yana, MD) 150 No Discount Icon
Oncologist (Dr. Manuel Garcia, MD) 150 No Discount Icon
Oriental & Integrative Medicine (Dr. Anna, MD) 150 No Discount Icon
Psychologist (Dr. Ayndrey, PsyD) 150 No Discount Icon
Diagnostic Price – USD
Electrocardiogram and ARDK 45 No Discount Icon
Pulstar 50 No Discount Icon
Electro Therapy Price – USD
Ceragem Chiropractor Bed 45
Electrotherapy (medicinal electrophoresis) 45
Galvanization 45
Pneumatic Shockswave Therapy 45
Ultrasound Therapy (pain management) 45
GI system cleansing Price – USD
Alkaline Enema 35
Coffee Enema 35
Colonic Hydrotherapy 140
Herbal Enema 35
Tubaj 60
Health education Price – USD
Master Classes/Seminars 25
Infusion therapy Price – USD
Alpha-lipoic Acid IV 125
Alpha-lipoic acid IM 70
Chrome IV 125
Cocarboxilasa II (Intravenous Injection) 105
Cocarboxilasa IM 70
Cocarboxilasa IV 125
DMSO Chelation IV 150
Eucalyptus Extract IM 35
Ganciclovir IM 70
Ganciclovir IV 125
Glutathion IM 70
Glutathione 1200mg IV 190
Glutathione 2400mg IV 315
Glutathione 600mg IV 125
High Dose Vitamin C (12g) IV 200
High Dose Vitamin C (25g) IV 280
High Dose Vitamin C (6g) IV 125
High Dose Vitamin C II (Intravenous Inyection) 105
High dose Vitamin C (50g) IV 450
Iron IV 255
L-Carnitine II (Intravenous Injection) 105
L-carnitine IM 70
L-carnitine IV 125
Lithium IV (Li) 150
Magnesium IV 130
Multivitamin Cocktail (Vitamin B Complex + Vitamin B12 + Cocarboxilasa) 255
Multivitamin IV 125
Myers Cocktail 260
NAD IV 450
Nuverasa IM 70
Ozone IM 140
Ozone IM Package (3 sessions) 105
Post Covid Cocktail IV 230
Transfer Factor IV 150
Vitamin B & Diclofenac IM 35
Vitamin B (B1+B6+B12) IV 125
Vitamin B Complex IM 35
Vitamin B Complex IV 125
Vitamin B IV 115
Vitamin B12 Complex IV 125
Vitamin D IM 70
Vitamin D IV 125
Zinc IV 125
Light and Electromagnetic field therapy (EMF/PEMF) Price – USD
Antifungal Laser Therapy w/ Methylene Blue 45
Blood Cleansing Red Laser 115
Blue Light Therapy (BLT) 60
EMF AmpCoil. 60
EMF M.O.P.A.(120 min) 60
EMF M.O.P.A.(50 min) 60
Infrared Sauna (30 min) 45
Intravenous Laser Blood Illumination (ILBI) 170
LASMIC (ear, throat, nose) 45
LASMIC (gynecological therapy) 70
LASMIC (urological therapy) 70
LASMIC Point 45
LASMIC Vacuum Detox Massage (30 min) 70
Low-Level Laser Therapy (LASMIC) Pen 45
MATRIX (urologacal vibro-magnetic laser prostate massage therapy) 70
MATRIX (urological laser vacuum therapy) 70
PDT Red Laser, Red Light Lamp & Methylene Blue 290
PDT Red Light Lamp & Chlorophil 70
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) Blue Laser & Riboflavin 170
Pulse Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy (Ampcoil) 65
Pulse Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy (M.O.P.A.) 70
Pulse Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy (Spooky 2) 70
Red Light Therapy (RLT) 70
Supravenous Laser Therapy 60
Massages Price – USD
Electric Lymphatic Drainage 85
Foot Massage 45
Full Body Massage 70
Leg Massage 45
Massage Abdominal 45
Massage Back 45
Shiatsu Massage 70
Stone Massage 70
Thai Massage 115
Medical services Price – USD
Back Scanning and Alignment With PulStar G3 Chiropractor System 140 No Discount Icon
Exit test 80 No Discount Icon
General Lab Analyses 290 No Discount Icon
Gynecology Consultation & Ultrasound Scanning 170 No Discount Icon
Lab Tests 20 No Discount Icon
Live and Dry Blood Microscopy (research method) 170 No Discount Icon
Ultrasound Scanning of Main Organ Systems 170 No Discount Icon
Miscellaneous Price – USD
Service Fee 60 No Discount Icon
Baja Live Mud (large) 40
Black Sesame Oil 100 ml 25
Black Sesame Oil 200 ml 35
Black Sesame Oil 50 ml 12
Chia Oil 50 ml 25
Diagnostic Package for 10 days 3100
Diagnostic Package for 14 days 3750
Diagnostic Package for 21 days 5400
Diagnostic Package for 7 days 2500
Digestive Oil 400 ml 30
Digestive Oil 750 ml 45
Flax Oil 400 ml 40
Herbal Healing Protocol 1 day 25
Herbal Healing Protocol 10 days 240
Herbal Healing Protocol 14 days 330
Herbal Healing Protocol 21 days 480
Herbal Healing Protocol 7 days 170
Herbal Tea (any mix) 1 Bag 45
Herbal Tea Fungus (parasites) 10
Herbal Tea Hormonal 10
Herbal Tea Liver 10
Herbal Tea Lyme 10
Herbal Tea Weight Loss 10
Ivermectin – Anti-Parasite Treatment (1 week) 25
Laundry Service 30
Master classes/Seminars 20
Meals (per meal) 25
Patients Day Care (daily doctor monitoring, meals, amenities, activities) (1 day) 205
Patients Day Care (daily doctor monitoring, meals, amenities, activities) (10 days) 1965
Patients Day Care (daily doctor monitoring, meals, amenities, activities) (14 days) 2690
Patients Day Care (daily doctor monitoring, meals, amenities, activities) (21 days) 3910
Patients Day Care (daily doctor monitoring, meals, amenities, activities) (7 days) 1405
Probiotics 300ml 25
Pumpkin Oil 400 ml 30
Pumpkin Oil 750 ml 45
Rectal Probiotics 45
Room Service Fee 30
Sea Cortez Salt 1 kg 12
Sesame Oil 400 ml 30
Sesame Oil 750 ml 45
Sunflower Oil 400 ml 30
Sunflower Oil 750 ml 45
VIP Package for 10 days 8700
VIP Package for 14 days 11990
VIP Package for 21 days 17500
VIP Package for 7 days 6500
Oxidation therapy Price – USD
Bagged ozone therapy 40
Ear Ozone Therapy 25
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) 125
Ozone IV therapy (double) 150
Ozone Therapy (IV) 125
Ozone Therapy (rectal) 45
Ozone Therapy (vaginal) 45
Peloid therapy Price – USD
Full Body Grey Mineral Clay Wrap 85
Full Body Medical Mud Wrap 85
Medicinal Mud (facial) 40
Medicinal Mud Patches 45
Multivitamin Salt scrub (A,D,E) 85
Salt Scrub (short session) 45
| Wood Sauna + Multivitamin Salt Scrub 105
Physiotherapy Price – USD
Foot Bath With Medical Parafin 35
Foot and Hand Bath w/ Medical Parafin 70
Hand Bath With Medical Parafin 35
Individual Healing Music Therapy 90
Medicinal Cupping 45
Therapeutical Grade: Oil Mix Wrap w/ A, E, D Vitamins 90

*No Discount Icon — Без знижки

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